An Ultimate Guide to Leukemia: Causes, Treatment, And Symptoms

Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects either the blood or bone marrow and causes the production of abnormal blood cells. These abnormal cells, often referred to as leukocytes or white blood cells, are the cause of a disorder that affects the production of healthy blood cells. Some people with this condition may find that a bone marrowtransplant for Leukemia in India could be a beneficial treatment option.

Bone Marrow Transplant for Leukemia

This post gives an overview of leukemia, discussing its causes, treatment methods and more.

Cause and Symptoms of Leukemia

Main causes:

However, when damage occurs to the DNA of developing blood cells, mainly white cells, the genetic mutations caused by this damage lead to Leukemia. The affected cells then grow and divide uncontrollably, leading to an increased number of abnormal cells. These cells are unable to die and instead accumulate, thus impeding the growth of normal cells and eventually leading to complications.

Know the Symptoms

Signs might depend according to type. However, some of them might include the following:

·         Easy bleeding and bruising

·         Constant infections

·         Anemia

·         Nausea

·         Bone pain

·         Unexplained weight loss

·         Fever

How Bone Marrow Treatment Can Help Patients with Leukemia?

To achieve this bone marrow treatment, healthy stem cells are taken from bone marrow and infused into the patient's body, helping to replace any damaged bone marrow cells and create healthy new blood cells. In certain cases, a transplant might even eradicate harmful leukemia cells, resulting in complete remission.

A bone marrow transplant from a related, biological relative is particularly effective for treating AML in people who have not had this kind of leukemia before, resulting in higher survival rates than with an unrelated matched donor.

Though a bone marrow transplant for Leukemia in India may be challenging and involve numerous side effects that range from immediate to long-term, many people find it to be an effective treatment for leukemia.



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